
HBA Propaganda

An excerpt from one of our lessons this week, to indicate the mindset here at HBA. This is a dialogue in our book. Mali and Dawei are talking to this old guy (lit. "old big grandfather") they are sitting next to on the plane to Beijing about their plans to attend HBA at Bei Yu.

Old Dude: So, you guys will be studying one summer's worth of Chinese?
Mali: Nope, we're doing a whole year's worth of work in only nine weeks!

OD: You're kidding me! You study a whole year in only two months? How on earth are you guys going to survive that?!

M: Oh, it's not a problem. In the middle of the course, we have a week to do studies of Chinese society, then we get to write a [fifteen-page, in Chinese] report on it.

OD: Wow, that's great.

Great?!? Yeah, okay. A fifteen-page-all-Chinese report sounds great to me too, propagandist textbook. And doing this report will totally make the rest of the time bearable. Hrmph.