Well, this is what I get for coming to a communist country, I suppose... I gather from a few e-mails I've gotten that other people can read my blog, and I can post to it, but the site itself is blocked (along with numerous, numerous other websites) from my computer, as well as any other blogs on this site which are written from China. It's interesting -- I guess I can write whatever I want here, but the government sure is making sure that no one in China can read what I say in the event that it is, as my customs form says, "detrimental to the political, economic, cultural and moral interests of China." Items of this nature are prohibited from imporation into the country, listed third on the Chinese forms, before "deadly poisons of all kinds," diseased animals, illegal drugs, and any items from epidemic-stricken areas that might be capable of spreading disease to humans and livestock. Oh, China. This is why I left my books of Kant and Rawls at home.
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